Subhash Bhushan
Hi! I’m a Software Engineer, moonlighting as an Entrepreneur. I work on technologies that make building things easier.
I explore the intersection of Entrepreneurship, Lean Startups, and Software Architecture Paradigms that shine at creating Sustainable Software.
Recent Posts
There are no such things as Associations in DDD
Oct 02, 2020
People often struggle to represent relationships in a DDD model. The struggle is often because relational models do not play well with DDD. This post explores why associations have no place in DDD and how to model linked concepts in a domain.
What is a Domain Model?
Jul 24, 2020
Everybody talks about modeling Business domains in code and aligning software with how the business works in the real world. But what does a Domain Model actually look like? In this post, we will explore what a Domain Model is and its salient aspects.
Why Smaller Aggregates Are Better
Jul 10, 2020
Aggregates are the primary driving forces of a Domain Model. You must get your Aggregates right if you want to keep the domain complexity low. In this post, we discuss why it is preferable to keep Aggregates small and its various advantages.
Detailed notes from books I have read, complete with summaries and learnings.